Math, Science & Technology Magnet
Dr. Darra White, Principal
Newsome Park is a Math, Science and Technology Magnet school. Technology is an integral part of each day's learning; students use technology to gather, analyze and communicate information. Magnet students have the opportunity to conentrate their studies within a well-balanced academic program. Like all elementary students, they will receive a solid foundation in reading, language arts, social studies, the arts, and health and physical education in addition to math, science and technology.
Students in the Math, Science and Technology magnet program will continue their integrated STEM instruction in the Technology Learning Center (TLC). The TLC provides exciting opportunities for us to help close the digital gap and give our innovative learners access to the latest cutting edge technology. Newsome Park’s TLC is built into the student’s schedule and our Instructional Technology Coach (ITC) co-teaches lessons on a weekly schedule for all 3rd through 5th grade classes, as well as 1st and 2nd grade classes receiving similar instruction on a rotation cycle. Our faculty and staff are just as excited as the students to utilize the TLC’s hands on technology and Internet resources to better prepare our students for their roles as digital learners, future employees and contributing citizens in an ever-changing global society.
What does the program require of parents and students?
Parents are expected to:
- Be involved in their child’s education and school activities
- Uphold the program’s standards and expectations
- Support regular and timely attendance
- Communicate regularly with teachers
Students are expected to:
- Attend school 95% of the school year, remain in school all day and arrive on time
- Adhere to the school’s dress code policy
- Complete all assigned schoolwork and homework
- Follow class rules and the rules and regulations stated in the NNPS Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
- Demonstrate respect for authority, property and the rights of others
What other programs are offered?
TATOO – Shipyard engineers mentor 2nd through 5th grade students and provide math tutoring
Family Engagement Specialist – Foster and facilitate community connections by providing parent workshops to help them support students’ academically and socially at home
Youth Development – Our 4th- and 5th- grade students explore, develop and model character traits through the use of art, media, music and physical education
STEM Coordinator – Coordinates school-based magnet initiatives and works collaboratively with teachers to develop and integrate STEM lessons across the curriculum to include appropriate STEM pedagogy that is aligned with the Standards of Learning
STEM Lab – Engaging environment which provides teachers and students with the space and supplies needed for STEM instruction
Who is eligible?
All students are welcome to apply to the magnet program. Students are selected by computer lottery.
How do I apply?
All students who wish to attend the magnet programs must submit an application by the January deadline. Applications are available at any Newport News school, the Administration Building and on the Newport News Public Schools website at
Transportation is provided to all magnet programs.
Where do students go after the magnet program?
Students from the Math, Science and Technology magnet program are well prepared for any middle school. They have priority for admission to the middle school Science, Technology, Engineering and Math program at Crittenden Middle School. Those students, in turn, have priority for admission to the Heritage High School Governor’s STEM Academy magnet program. Students must submit an application for priority admission.